Saturday, January 25, 2020
Identified Entities And Their Attributes Information Technology Essay
Identified Entities And Their Attributes Information Technology Essay Late Travel has inaugurated a new travelling business between the airport and the lost town. The travelling options they offer can either their own chauffeured car or a coach service. A database is designed to assist the administration of this new service. The database contains the information pertaining to staff information, customer information, car or couch availability, customer journey and payment details etc. An E-R model is developed based on the above case study and it is normalised into 3NF. A relational database based on the normalised E-R model is produced which demonstrate that your database stores the required data and relationship between different entities. Table of Contents Table of Figures ER Model: conceptual model and logical models Entity relationship model is a database modelling method used to represent the conceptual data. Conceptual data model is prepared when an information system is based on a database, which at the later stage is mapped to logical data model such as relational model which is in turn mapped to the physical model. Identified Entities and their Attributes An entity has a distinct existence which is uniquely identified. An entity can be a house, employee or a car. Entities are described by a set of properties called attributes. Each entity must have the values for its attributes which is uniquely identifiable from other entities in a particular entity set. Following are the entities and its attributes for the Late Travel (LT). Below are the Entities (customer, employee and booking) and there attributes. Attributes of an employee are shown in the figure below. Here Employee_id is a primary key which is used to uniquely identify each employee. Employee Employee_id Employee_address_id Employee_name Employee_phone Other_employee_details Figure : Entity (Employee) and its attributes Attributes of the customers are shown in the figure below. Here Customer_id is a primary key which is used to uniquely identify each customer. Customer customer_id payment_id customer_name Customer_address Sex customer_phone Date_of_birth Date_became_customer Figure : Entity (Customer) and its attributes Attributes of a booking is shown in the figure. Here booking_id is a primary key which is used to uniquely identify each booking by the customer. Customer_id is a foreign key which is mapped to Entity (customer) and outcome_code will provide information whether the booking is cancelled or not. Status_code field will give information whether status is confirmed or waiting, for the customer for particular booking. Booking booking_id customer_id Outcome_code Status_code date_of_booking Car_id Journey_code Booking_details Figure : Entity (booking) and its attributes Identified Relationships between Entities A relationship is an association among the entities. Relational database model represents the set of relationship of same type. Figure 4 shows the order relationship between a customer and booking. Customer customer_id payment_id customer_name Customer_address Sex customer_phone Date_of_birth Date_became_customer Booking booking_id customer_id Outcome_code Status_code date_of_booking Car_id Journey_code Booking_details order Figure : Relationship set of customer and booking Figure 4 represents the idea that a customer orders a booking for hiring a car or equivalently, a booking is ordered by the customer. Here the another question comes which is whether a customer can order more than one booking or whether booking can be ordered by more than one customer. The question raised is that of cardinality. In fact the example above depicts that customer can order zero or more booking and likewise, a booking may be ordered by zero or more customer. An arrow is used to connect the entities when one-to-one or one-to-many relationship is modelled. Below figure depicts how arrows are used to represent cardinality: One Many One One Many Many Figure : Cardinality In the previous example it is reasonable to expect that a customer can exist without having order a single booking, and conversely, that booking exist even though none have been ordered yet. Therefore none of the entities in an entity set may participate in a particular relationship is partial participation. In contrast to this, an entity set may participation in a relationship. Diagrammatically, this is represented by connecting the entity set to the relationship set with a double line. Figure 6 shows the relationship of an agent to a Late Travel agency which combines both cardinality and participation. It is clearly stated that Late Travel agency can employs zero or more agents, and that an agent must be employed by only Late Travel agency. Late Travel agency Employs Agent Figure : Cardinality and participation constraint Conceptual model A conceptual model is a modelling of concepts and relationship. This term is used from a long time in a database design. It is independent of DBMS and allows easy communication between end users and the developers. Below is the conceptual model of Late Travel showing the entities, attributes and there relationship. Customer customer_id payment_id Customer_name Customer_phone Customer_address Date_of_birth Sex Date_bacame_customer Booking booking_id customer_id car_id outcome_code status_code journey_code date_of_booking booking_detail Payment Payment_id booking_id payment_amount payment_date other_details Ref_booking_status Status_code Status_description (eg: confirmed/waiting) Ref_booking_outcome outcome_code outcome_description (eg: cancelled/ok) Car_details Car_id Driver_id Seats_avail Car_no Driver_details Driver_id Driver_name Driver_address Driver_phone Journey_details Journey_code Customer_id Place_name Renting_rate Other_details Order Goes for Makes has consist of has Consist of Figure : Conceptual model Above figure shows the conceptual model of Late Travel. The primary objective of the conceptual model is to establish a base understanding of the objects in the system. However it is necessary to create an association among different entities and select their multiplicity. Logical model Logical model represents the abstract structure of information. It is used to display the business process that seeks to capture the importance things usually in the form of a diagram. Some of the benefit of using the logical model is to improve the business process, facilitates reuse of data, gather functional information and decrease the system design cost and time. Figure 7 is already logical as it shows the attributes and relationship among the different entities. All attributes are appearing in a data store. Above diagram is showing the business entities, their inter-relationships, and the cardinality i.e. each customer can order one or more booking of a car for their journey and same way a booking can be ordered by one or more customers-these relationships can be viewed from both ends. Is database is storing the required data? In order to identify whether the database is storing the necessary data, following are the tasks that are needed to be performed in an iterative manner. Identify the entity type. Identify the attributes of the entity. Application of naming convention. Identify relationship among entities. Data model patterns need to be applied. Assign keys such as primary, unique and foreign key. To reduce data redundancy it should be normalized. All these tasks are being performed on this case study Late Travel (LT). Therefore required data is being stored in the database. And as it is already stated that above tasks are needed to be performed in an iterative manner, therefore it is a continuous process. Normalized E-R Model to 3NF Normalization is the way of ensuring that a relational database structure is free from insertion, update and deletion anomalies that might lead to loss of integrity of data. In 1970s E.F. Codd and his team at IBM introduced the concept of relational databases, proposed normalization through several normal forms. Below tables are assigned with the keys. Customer customer_id (PK) payment_id (FK) Customer_name Customer_phone Customer_address Date_of_birth Sex Date_bacame_customer Booking booking_id (PK) customer_id (FK) car_id (FK) outcome_code (FK) status_code (FK) journey_code (FK) date_of_booking booking_detail Payment Payment_id (PK) booking_id (FK) payment_amount payment_date other_details Ref_booking_status Status_code (PK) Status_description (eg: confirmed/waiting) Ref_booking_outcome outcome_code (PK) outcome_description (eg: cancelled/ok) Car_details Car_id (PK) Driver_id (FK) Seats_avail Car_no Driver_details Driver_id (PK) Driver_name Driver_address Driver_phone Journey_details Journey_code (PK) Customer_id (FK) Place_name Renting_rate Other_details Order Goes for Makes has consist of has Consist of Figure : Tables of Late Travel First Normal Form (1NF) A relational table X is in 1NF (First Normal form), if it meets certain set of criteria. This criterion ensures that each attribute is single-valued with atomic values. In other words table is free from repeating groups. Now if we check whether the logical model discussed above is in 1NF or not. Lets discuss the employee and customer table. Employee employee_id (PK) employee_address_id (FK) employee_name employee_phone other_employee_details Customer customer_id (PK) payment_id (FK) Customer_name Customer_phone Customer_address Date_of_birth Sex Date_became_customer Driver_details Driver_id (PK) Driver_name Driver_address Driver_phone Figure : Employee and customer table As 1NF says that there should be no repeating group but in this case phone number of employee or customer can be more than one. Therefore this relational table is not in first normal form e.g. Employee_id Employee_add_id Employee_name Employee_phone Other_emp_details 1 100 John 98787787, 8898987988 none 2 101 Steve 89898987,98989898 3 102 Mark 98989898898 Here, column employee_phone doesnt contains the atomic value therefore in order to make it 1NF separate entity such as customer_phone_num and employee_phone_num is needed to be defined. Employee employee_id (PK) employee_address_id (FK) employee_name other_employee_details Customer customer_id (PK) payment_id (FK) Customer_name Customer_address Date_of_birth Sex Date_became_customer Employee_phone employee_id (PK) phone_num Customer_phone customer_id (PK) phone_num Driver_details Driver_id (PK) Driver_name Driver_address Driver_phone Driver_phone driver_id (PK) phone_num Figure : Employee, customer and driver table Now all the tables are in First Normal Form as all the columns are having the atomic values. Second Normal Form (2NF) A relational table X is in Second Normal Form when table is in 1NF. A table that is in 1NF must meet the criteria to qualify for the second normal form. This criterion ensures that set of attributes X is functionally dependent on set of attributes Y. For instance, lets look at the booking table: Employee_id Employee_add_id Employee_name Employee_phone Other_emp_details 1 100 John 98787787, 8898987988 none 2 101 Steve 89898987,98989898 3 102 Mark 98989898898 Booking booking_id (PK) customer_id (FK) car_id (FK) outcome_code (FK) status_code (FK) journey_code (FK) date_of_booking booking_detail Figure : Booking table Booking_id Customer_id Car_id Outcome_code Status_code Journey_code Date_of_booking Booking_details 1 1001 100 1 3 2 24-Mar-10 2 1002 101 2 4 3 25-Mar-10 Here as we can see that, none of its non prime attributes are functionally dependent on a subset of a candidate key. Therefore the tables are already in second normal form. Following are the tables that are designed to store the information regarding customer, employees, car, journey and booking. These tables meet the criteria to be second normal form. Hence there is no need to alter the tables. Third Normal Form (3NF) A relation table X is in second normal form when every non prime attribute R is non-transitively dependent on every key of R. In other words a relationship database is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and no non-primary attribute is functionally dependent on another non primary key. Lets look at one of the table journey_details of Late Travel. Journey_details Journey_code (PK) Customer_id (FK) Place_name Renting_rate Other_details Figure : Journey table Journey_code Customer_id Place_name Renting_rate Other_details 001 331 Airport 500 002 332 Airport 500 Here as we can see that renting rate depends upon the place, therefore this table is not in third normal form. In order to make it in third normal form two separate tables or entities would be created- One containing the journey code, customer_id, place_id and other_details and the other containing the place_id, place_name and renting_rate. Below figure is showing the two tables: Journey_details Journey_code (PK) Customer_id (FK) Place_id (FK) Other_details Place_details Place_id (PK) Place_name Renting_rate Figure : Journey and place table Now the E-R model is normalized into third normal form (3NF). Now all the tables contain the atomic values and non primary attributes are functionally dependent on primary key. And lastly no non-primary key attribute is functionally dependent on another non-primary key. SQL Queries Below are the different SQL queries which will be mostly used during the management of Late Travel database. Query result is displayed and explained below: Select customer_name, customer_address, date_of_birth, sex, date_became_active from Customer WHERE Date_became_customer > 2010-01-01 Description: This query will display all the active customers since 1st Jan 2010. Why Needed: This query is important because it displays the list of new customers added from a particular date. Output: Expected Output is: customer_name customer_address date_of_birth sex date_became_active John 35, paris road 1988-09-06 male 2010-02-02 Smith 78, dahiya bhavan 1978-07-08 male 2010-03-04 David 109, green park 1980-08-08 male 2010-01-09 Select emp.employee_id ID, emp.employee_name Name, addr.address Address from Employee emp, emp_Address addr WHERE emp.employee_id = addr.employee_id Description: This query will display all the employees with their details. Why Needed: This query is important because it displays the list of all employees. It might possible that at any instance of time it is required to get the information about the employees working in Late Travel. Output: Expected Output is: ID Name Address 1 John 32 James park 2 Mark 45 green avenue 3 Steve 14 Vikas puri Select car.car_id ID, car.car_no Car No., driver.driver_name Driver Name, driver.driver_address Driver Address, FROM Car_details car, Driver_details driver WHERE car.driver_id = driver.driver_id Description: This query will display the information about the particular car like who is the driver, car number etc. Why Needed: This query is important because it is required to get the information about the particular car and the driver who is responsible of handling it. Output: Expected Output is: ID Car No Driver Name Driver Address 1 HGH 7678 Austin 23, Qutub Enclave 2 HKK 101 Preety 44, Hilton 3 NMN 420 Lisa 88, oberios Select * FROM Booking RIGHT JOIN Journey On Booking.customer_id =Journey.customer_id WHERE date_of_booking = 2010-03-24 Description: This query will display all the booking for 24 Mar 2010 with details of journey. Why Needed: This query is the basic one as it shows the booking for a particular date. It will display all the information related to booking for whether car is available or not or booking is confirmed or pending. Output: Expected Output is: Booking_id Customer_id Car_id Outcome_code Status_code Journey_code Date_of_booking Booking_details Journey_code Place_name Other_details 1 1001 100 1 3 2 24-Mar-10 001 Airport 2 1002 101 2 4 3 24-Mar-10 002 Airport Critical Reflection Whether we use a file or relational database, depends on the nature of the data and how we conceptualize it. There are some major problems and issues arise during the development of the database majorly of data integrity, performance and flexibility. Normally many of the people result into development of database which contains redundant data or insertion, deletion and modification anomalies. In order to understand the normal form, four terms that must be understood are: Dependency Key Domain and Restriction Designing of database plays an important role in integrity and reliability of the data, therefore it is necessary to carefully inspect the database structure, entities and their relationship. Conclusion A database is designed for Late Travel (LT) which is used to store the information related to employee, customer, journey, payment, car and driver details. A conceptual and E-R diagram is developed based on the above case study, showing the relationship among different entities. All the tables are normalized into the third normal form and then the set of queries are fired to show the retrieval of information from database.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Mark Twains The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn English Literature Essay
4. In Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn it is clear as to how the characters have been influenced by their environments. The narrative is set during a clip where bondage and racism are held as socially acceptable and justified by faith in some instances ; this is seen legion times throughout the novel. Although the two major characters Huck and Jim have come from and lived in the same environments, the fortunes of their lives are uncomparable. Society has conditioned Huck to accept bondage and racialist attitudes. Slavery has resulted in Jim ââ¬Ës attempts to seek his freedom, but besides his deficiency of instruction and to some degree his superstitious notion. Couple uses the environment environing Huck and Jim non merely to portray how it impacts their actions and beliefs, but besides to do a statement about the lip service, immortality, and unfairness found in civilised society at this clip. At the clip period this novel is set in, bondage is an mundane portion of life. As a reader, we see Huck invariably trying to decide the struggle within himself as he struggles between the dogmas of the South and his ain consciousness and morality. Huck ââ¬Ës position about the establishment of bondage is the result of what society has ingrained within him, he was born into it. Huck blindly accepts the societal and spiritual values that the Widow and Miss Watson insist he uphold until his ain witting interferes with what he has been taught. Whenever Huck can non follow societal regulations, he blames it on himself and fails to see any mistake in the regulations. He sees his male parent ââ¬Ës bibulous harangue in chapter 6, ââ¬Å" â⬠¦ but when they told me there was a State in this state where they ââ¬Ëd allow that nigger ballot, I drawed out. I says I ââ¬Ëll ne'er vote once moreâ⬠¦ I says to the people, why ai n't this nigga put up at auction and sold? ââ¬â that ââ¬Ës what I want to cognize â⬠( Twain 117 ) . Huck hears his male parent ââ¬Ës words but does non denounce him because in his universe this position is the norm. Huck is an perceiver and he gives realistic word pictures of what he sees and Twain uses his narrative to exemplify the ailments of society. There are many times in the novel where Huck sees Jim more as a slave, a mere piece of belongings instead than a individual. In chapter 16, Huck begins to panic when he realizes the determination he has made to assist Jim towards freedom, ââ¬Å" â⬠¦ it made me all over trembly and hectic, excessively, to hear him, because I begun to acquire it through my caput that he was most free- and who was to fault for it? â⬠( 162 ) . Because he believes the values of society are just and merely, Huck feels that he is an confederate for the offense of non turning in Jim back to Miss Watson when he had the opportunity. He goes on to state, ââ¬Å" I got so average and so suffering I most wished I was dead â⬠( 162 ) . In chapter 23, we see Huck ââ¬Ës attitude toward Jim Begin to alter, ââ¬Å" He was believing about his married woman and kids, off up yonder, and he was low and homesick ; and I do believe he cared merely every bit much for his people as white folks does for thei r'n. It do n't look naturalâ⬠¦ He was a mighty good nigga, Jim was â⬠( 204 ) . Huck is able to project aside the racialist values which he has grown up with. Here we see him believing for himself. What Huck sees as natural is that slaves do non care for and love their households the same manner as Whites do, but his sentiment is changed when he sees Jim. It is obvious that Huck has non associated with anyone who was non white and it is possible that he sees Jim as person who is rareness among African Americans due to the fact that he loves his household. As the novel progresses, Huck becomes more and more detached from society but non wholly. He and Jim sail down the Mississippi, making a universe of their ain and it is through these experiences that Huck ââ¬Ës friendly relationship with Jim grows and where the influences of the exterior universe are repressed to a certain extent. The best illustration of this is when Huck decides to compose the missive to Miss Watson stating her where Jim is, nevertheless his internal struggles are clearly seeable as he debates with himself whether or non he should make this. Before he precedes to compose the missive Huck says ââ¬Å" And at last, when it hit me all of a sudden that here was the apparent manus of Providence slapping me in the face and allowing me know that my evil was being watched all the clip from up at that place in Eden, whilst I was stealing a hapless old adult female ââ¬Ës nigga that had n't of all time done me no injuryâ⬠¦ â⬠( 238 ) . Huck still can non look to get away the impression that because Jim is a runaway slave helping in his attempts to get away is a wickedness. Although Huck can do his ain determinations, society ââ¬Ës rules still influence him greatly and after he writes the missive he even goes on to province that it was the first clip in his life he felt wholly ââ¬Å" clean of wickedness â⬠( 239 ) . Religion is something that Huck does non clearly understand so his fright of the possible spiritual effects such as snake pits take precedency over his ain morality. However, instantly after composing the missive, Huck begins to believe about Jim and all the good he has done for him and makes a important determination, ââ¬Å" All right, so, I ââ¬Ëll travel to hell- and tore it up. It was atrocious ideas, and atrocious words, but they was said â⬠( 239 ) . At this point we see that Huck denounces himself for his actions, but by making this he has in a manner rejected what society has instilled in him and established himself as an improbable hero. So as Huck ââ¬Ës universe alterations from civilized society to life on the Mississippi, from the influence of society at big to the influence of Jim, we can see how Huck besides changes. The Widow and Miss Watson introduced in chapter 1 can be seen as a representation of Southern society. They attempt to educate Huck, but he merely feels constrained by the regulations and ordinances they impose on him. Society besides fails to protect Huck from his opprobrious male parent as he is forced to travel unrecorded with Pap. All of these experiences contribute to Huck ââ¬Ës withdrawal from society and consequence in his disbelieving attitude of the universe. The idea of being sold down South and separated from his household prompts Jim to run off. Bing a slave, Jim is uneducated. For illustration when Huck is explicating to him that Frenchmen talk French he can non look to hold on the construct. In many ways he is like a kid. Jim has besides accepted the positions of his racialist milieus. He is convinced that the inequality and biass inkinesss face are rooted in truth. In chapter 36 it is clear that Tom is utilizing Jim to populate out his imaginativeness, ââ¬Å" And told him how to maintain a diaryâ⬠¦ He told him everything. Jim, he could n't see no sense in most of it, but he allowed we was white common people and knowed better than him ; so he was satisfied. Despite the manner Jim is being treated, in Jim ââ¬Ës head Huck and Tom are white so they must be right. Here, Jim is inactive and self-satisfied which merely emphasizes the subject of bondage in the novel. Couple uses the universe of the characters and how it influences them to supply a societal commentary on his pessimistic positions of humanity. The fresh exposes the jobs he saw in society including the immorality of bondage, spiritual lip service, and the weaknesss of society in general. Jim is treated cruelly by every character throughout the narrative. It is through Huck that bondage is presented as we see him fight between what is jurisprudence in society and what is morally right. The spiritual lip service is abundant from Miss Watson to the Phelps ââ¬Ës who have no concern over the establishment of bondage, yet claim to be good citizens. Twain makes it clear as to how racism can misinterpret the beliefs of those who impose bondage and the victims of it. When Huck is handed over to his male parent, this can be seen as Twain ââ¬Ës manner to notice on a society that gives whites the right to have other human existences which are considered belongings. A society that claims t o be morally merely and civilized can non warrant bondage.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Racial Profiling Individual Prejudice or Organizational...
Racial Profiling: Individual Prejudice or Organizational Protocol? Racial profiling is generally defined as discrimination put into action based on a stereotype. No one is excluded from the potential to experience some form of racial profiling, regardless of oneââ¬â¢s race, gender, or religion. Racial profiling has existed in various forms since slavery. During the reconstruction of the South, the first sense of racial profiling began with ââ¬Å"Black Codesâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Black Codesâ⬠were created to maintain a new form of slavery. These ââ¬Å"codesâ⬠made it punishable by imprisonment and indentured servitude for any African American who loitered, remained unemployed, drunk, or in debt. The ââ¬Å"Black Codesâ⬠were a transparent form of what we call racial profilingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦More traffic stops lead to more arrests, which further skews the racial profiling statistics against African Americans and other non-White ethnic groups. Studies have shown that African Americans are the most likely targeted for these ââ¬Å"routineâ⬠stops, but it only fuels the continuance of a viscous cycle that will take more than just a new rule to repair. Researching the police training, I found evidence to support the theory that racial profiling is prejudices put into practice. Police officers are faced with balancing their knowledge of training against the potential for racial profiling. It all begins with their education at the training academy and continues with ongoing in-service training. In-service training is achieved by pairing with a street partner, which is another police officer that is wise to the way of the streets in that specific area. At any point a different form of training, ââ¬Å"informal trainingâ⬠, can begin. I refer to this training as ââ¬Å"informalâ⬠because this training is the type that you learn through your own perception of gathered information. This is not training that is necessarily taught, but can include oneââ¬â¢s own prejudices and steps are not taken to prevent these prejudices from entering into the officerââ¬â¢s decision making process. A police officer will use their own ways to deal with situations and make judgment calls based on theirShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling : History, Trends, And Evolution2710 Words à |à 11 PagesRacial Profiling: History, Trends, Evolution Name Academic Institution Author Note Class Professor Date Racial Profiling: History, Trends, Evolution The issue of race has been a heated and emotional conflict since the founding of this country. Racial profiling is the act of assuming ideas or circumstances pertaining to a certain individual simply based on the color of his or her skin and the racial group to which he or she belongs. Even though the Thirteenth Amendment abolishedRead MoreThe Killing Of Michael Brown2783 Words à |à 12 PagesGrace Yao SOC Theory Dr. Kim 20 Jan 2015 Understanding Ferguson Introduction The shooting of sparked a nation-wide movement not only demanding justice for Mike Brown, but also protesting the racial discrimination deeply embedded in the criminal justice system as well as various institutions in the larger American society. Furthermore, jfdkjfjdakljk something about international recognition. Similar protests and riots have been springing up in other cities since 1960s, and police killings of unarmedRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesOrganizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins ââ¬âSan Diego State University Timothy A. Judge ââ¬âUniversity of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:Read MoreMarketing Management130471 Words à |à 522 Pagestargeting and positioning Product management Brand management Pricing Channel design and management Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising management Sales promotion Personal selling Public relations Understanding individual consumer behaviour Understanding industrial consumer behaviour Customer satisfaction Customer relationship management Marketing of services Rural marketing Types of marketing research Process of marketing research Tools and Techniques of marketing
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Which Interest Rate Will Win - 3525 Words
Thanh Vu Professor Paul Ady English 130 12/14/2014 6.8% bloodhound vs. 3.86% chihuahua: Which interest rate will win? My dad used to say, Son, the best treasure you can get is your education, because you can never lose what was planted in your head. Surely, education is the best investment a man can have. Education brings freedom, and while money doesn t buy happiness, freedom does. We all have dreams, we all know what we want to do, and education is the best way to help a man realizing his dream and bringing him freedom. As president Lyndon B. Johnson has once said, Poverty shouldn t be a bar to education, and education must create an escape out of poverty (The Great Society Speech). You can t be free with debts, and no debts should make education strips the financial freedom of a person and lead him INTO poverty. Sadly, such is the reality that we, as students, are facing right now, with total college loan debts smashing over the twelve-digits tier and knockout the total credit card debt (Erin Dillion 1), currently gains the title of the second worst debt only after home mortgage (Baum). Outstanding household debt, from 2003 to 2013, Student loans has run up to $0.994 trillion dollars, making it the second from home mortgage, risen from 3% to 9%. To be precise, from 2003 to 2008, the student debts has gone up 141%, then from 2008 to 2013, although ALL other outstanding debts (home mortgage, home equity revolving, auto loan, credit card, and others debt) hasShow MoreRelatedRegulating Interest Rates as a Solution to the Recession Essay998 Words à |à 4 Pagesmarket, which allow for overhaul and maintain a prosperous future. Regulating bank interest rates and federal interest rates will reduce, if not eliminate the housing market crisis. 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The section ââ¬Å"Macroeconomic Eventsâ⬠will discuss how the choices he, as well as the Fed, played a role in the fluctuations in stock indexes and treasury rates. In addition, the section titled ââ¬Å"MicroeconomicRead MoreNegotiation Strategy Article Analysis Paper1062 Words à |à 5 Pagesand then coming up with a strategy ensures that all parties come out with a win-win rather than a win-lose negotiation. During the negotiation process parties begin with an analysis of their needs, desires and interests. The individual also takes outside issues into consideration such as culture, background and experience. All these information will help the individual form the basis of his/her negotiation which leads them into the planning stage. During the planning stage goals, terms andRead MoreCkc Case Write-Up799 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat are the interests of the various players in the Varacil market? â⬠¨ * CKC: Obtain the least costly ending for the lawsuit, considering the future effects of the outcome with respect to market share and future profits. * Tolemite: Obtain a payment of all past and future liabilities at the highest royalty possible, or the highest payment. * BARD: They would benefit from two situations: 1.CKC wining the trial, as they would not have to pay royalties anymore, which could decreaseRead MoreThe Union And Jane Represents The Business House1206 Words à |à 5 Pagesnegotiations to make a wise and healthy decisions. To make a wise decision it is important to have a knowledge of the available alternatives. BATNA is the only standard which protects both the parties from accepting too unfavorable terms and rejecting beneficial terms. The bottom line of any negotiation process is to achieve the win-win situation for both the parties (Spangler, 2012). The negotiation procedure is based on a procedure of data trade or information sharing. If mediators are looking
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